Outdoor camps and classes for children in Vancouver
Earth Heads is based on experiential learning. Classes cover a range of topics that help children explore, become more connected, and gain knowledge about the ecology of Vancouver and surrounding areas. There are many ecosystems to explore in our urban areas, from marshland, streams, and ponds to forests and shorelines. The classes are designed to give children an insight into their environment, giving them real-life context to help them understand how the world works and how they fit into it. With a stronger connection to the world around them, children will not just learn about ecology; they will also gain independence, self-confidence, self-awareness, social skills, conflict resolution, and better communication.
For children of all ages, learning in nature will awaken and stimulate their senses and enhance their sense of well-being, confidence and knowledge.
Our Story
Earth Heads is based on experiential learning. The classes are designed to help with all areas of a child’s development: emotional, physical (gross and fine motor skills), knowledge and understanding of the world, language, social and creative development.
For children of all ages, learning in nature will awaken and stimulate their senses and enhance their sense of well-being, confidence and knowledge. Even for very young children nature is a basic learning point from where everything like learning colours, numbers and sensory exploration can begin.

What the parents say